Thursday 20 February 2014

Tasneem ♥

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Assalamualaikum , Hello peeps !

 Moga kalian semua berada di bawah naungan Allah SWT.

Just wanted to shaare my 3rd anak buaah. yay im shoo happy.
Actually, today is her 7th day of birth. sooo, the name has been revealed~

Ding Ding Dingg ~

Her name is.. :

Tasneem binti Abdul Halim

Lol, our family wus like, should it be tasnim or tasneem?
haha actually mak bpk baby tu nk tasnim. tapi atok n nenek nye pulak nak tasneem.

Okay then dh daftar lah namanye Tasneem. and then all of the sudden everyone wus like, aahh it shouldve been Tasnim. haaaa. LOL. Poor baby.
But literally, to me both tasnim and tasneem are fine. sounds sweet. wee~
oh oh heres one of her pics.


 Tasneem oh tasneem~

Oh yah i got a friend named aina tasnim. mesti die bangga anak buah aku nme sme ngan die. kan aina kan kan? huhe aina comel lalala :D

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