Thursday 27 February 2014

When I Was A Kid.

When i was a kid,
I usually put some ice INSIDE my pyjamas whenever its sleeping time.
or I would wet my towel and put it at my pillow
oh oh and I would also wet my hair so i won't feel hot when i sleep.

if my mom caught me doing that, ofc she would yelled and said something like,
Change your pyjamas right now and go straight to bed ! . in malay.
and i would be sad cuz my shirt aint cold anymore. :<

so yah, thats my story about sleeping time.

When i was a kid,
i used to think that i have cancer because my hair falls out a lot.
whenever i showered, i see my hair falls.
one. by. one.
i got worried and i told my mom.
she laughed.

And now i realised how silly ive been.
and i also laugh.
at myself.

Saturday 22 February 2014

my activity. er

I often sleep nowadays. and i really enjoy it. 

 bum bum bum ~ .-.

Friday 21 February 2014


Assalamualaikum !

Sup peeps~

Lately ni my bro slalu bawak balik this one yummy snack. He reaaallly love eett.
And apperently, so do i. 

At first i refused to eat that. cuz u know, its oat. 
Who likes oat??!
I wus like , No, i aint gonna eat that crap.

Then my bro insisted me to try it. and so i do.


and now i demand for some more of it. 
. . .


Thursday 20 February 2014

Kami Jebon Comel ^^

Assalamualaikum semuaa :) 

Tomorrow i got usrah lalala. 

This is US. The jeboon~ lol? haha

Okay. This is my lovely usrah. our usrah name is Jebon.
Actually that wus just our childish name. We named it for funn. Not even official yet. okaaii.

Lemme introduce my usrah members : 
From infront : Syifaa ( The leader ) , Ain , Aryani , Intan , Me ~ , Fatimah , Farahanis. Ok yg terkeluar dari line tu Sarah and Masturina lol.
I think the camerawoman wus Aida, also one of the usrah member.

And we're actually missing one more lovely person - Aina Tasnimm
She's working btw ^^

oh and and not to forget OUR NAQIBAH - KAK NAAD  

Who is currently mengandung skrang >..<"

My usraah i labb you guyss

Intaan~ ♥

Assalamualaikum readerss ku yg comel ~

Ehh ehh who's thaat?

Well that is my best buddyy. my best friend. annd also myy ULTRAMAANN ~

Her name iss ..

Intan Hannani binti Md Husaimi

haha look how cute she is. and with that teddy bear. lol rse cm nk tumbuk pulak. lalala
That picture wus taken at the Metro Kajang while we're shoppingg~ wehuu

Here's a lil bit something about her,
Well, she's cute, caring, selamba, a good listener, loovvess purple like mee lalala ,  she's also obsessed with TAEYANG. lol. i think me too .-.

Ok this is Taeyang ♥ . She said that Taeyang is her boyfriend. Pfft can i laugh right now?

 She's also an expert at telling stories. mhm 
I just looovee to hear her stories. She wus like " adibaaahh jom skype jomm ~! " and then we started to share our stories. ♥ 

ok ok one more thing , she's soo sporting and selamba like srsly. always makes me laugh huhe. its so funn hang out with her ^^ Love you always dear .

That's pretty much of our pics. ^^ ULTRAMAAN~ LOL.

OH YA heres one more picture of her :

Intan loves jebon :) hahah lalalaa !

Tasneem ♥

 photo k-on-yui-wave_zpsdc068346.gif

Assalamualaikum , Hello peeps !

 Moga kalian semua berada di bawah naungan Allah SWT.

Just wanted to shaare my 3rd anak buaah. yay im shoo happy.
Actually, today is her 7th day of birth. sooo, the name has been revealed~

Ding Ding Dingg ~

Her name is.. :

Tasneem binti Abdul Halim

Lol, our family wus like, should it be tasnim or tasneem?
haha actually mak bpk baby tu nk tasnim. tapi atok n nenek nye pulak nak tasneem.

Okay then dh daftar lah namanye Tasneem. and then all of the sudden everyone wus like, aahh it shouldve been Tasnim. haaaa. LOL. Poor baby.
But literally, to me both tasnim and tasneem are fine. sounds sweet. wee~
oh oh heres one of her pics.


 Tasneem oh tasneem~

Oh yah i got a friend named aina tasnim. mesti die bangga anak buah aku nme sme ngan die. kan aina kan kan? huhe aina comel lalala :D