Sunday 23 March 2014

Soo.. whats next?

To be honest, aku happy pun tidak, sedih pun tidak dgn result spm.
tapi yg pasti aku bersyukur sgt2 dgn result yg aku dpt.

My spm result is.. 8A 2B and 1C huhu~

Now the question is, Universiti mne nk masuk haaa?
actually buat masa skrang, yg aku dh confirm apply ialah,
matrix, upu and scholarship MARA.

Tapi bila tgk syarat scholarship MARA
*gulp* hampir semua aku xckup syarat. haha :D
Tapi ade lah satu dua course yg mnepati syarat,
and course tu lah yg aku amek.
Dua course aku pilih, 
The first course was about biology,
and the second course that i picked was about mathematics lol
Well, dua subjek tu je lah yg aku betul2 minat actually 

As for upu,
aku target msuk UIAM course Sains hayat.
Actually first choice aku dkat UIA tu ialah perubatan.
tapi bila tgk syarat perubatan kt UIA, hmm mmg tak ah.
Because my chemistry is C ~ yay

Ntah kenapa tiba2 nk msuk UIA. waatt?
Dlu aku xde lah minat sgt nk msuk UIA.
Dlu berangan nk pegi everseas je. tak pndang pun Universiti tempatan. haha
Tapi nk buat cemana,
Knelah berpijak di bumi yg nyata kan :) eceeh waatt haha merepek.

Mungkin klau xdpt UIA, aku msuk UITM kot.
Insya Allah amek course dan U yg sme ngan abg aku, Muhammad
Course Sains matematik. haha. 

Soo, Pray for me ! ^^

adios' !

Monday 10 March 2014

When i was a kid

When i was a kid,
My dad used to tell me that,
We dont need new things as long as the old things can still be used.

One day, my pencil got blunt.
I told my dad that i wanted a new sharpener that my dad sells at the shop.
but nah, he said,
" Go take ur sister's sharpener la "

so i got pissed out and u wanna know what i did?

i wrote this on our house wall,

" Adibah tak suka pensel tumpul, abah bagilah ibah sharpener supaya ibah boleh sharp "

I wrote A LOT of that crap.
and that crap is still there until now.
Whoever comes to my house knows it.
Amazingly, i can spell sharpener right.

But until now, i still didnt get that sharpener.

Sunday 9 March 2014

The Girl with Roses


Aloloo comelnya lahai budak ni selfie. pkai fon org plak tu haha :p


tgk skali, mcm comel je kaan, tgk dua kali mcm cantiikk je. haha

well this is one of my besstt buddies .
Aku kenal dia wktu form 4. wktu tu dia budak baru. :p
then start rapat wktu form 5. 

Rumah kitorg dekat je. usrah sama2, slalu lepak sama2.

satu sifat fatimah yg mmg best ialah dia seorang yg saaangat CARING. no, seriously. Caring tahap gaban.
bila org ade mslah ke ape ke, mmg die akan amik tahu. die tanye " adib okay tak? " , " ade mslah ke? "
and much more.

Fatimah merupakan org yg pandai sangat2 jaga hati orang lain. aku xprnah terasa hati dgn dia. like seriously.
eh, actually dgn sume org aku xprnah terasa hati. lalala. klau aku terasa hati pun, aku cepat2 try lupakan and let it goo~
and skrang mmg dh lupa pun. maybe sbb aku jenis yg pelupa kot. yayy~

Yelah klau nk ukhwah ni kekal lama, kenalah lupakan yg pahit tu. yg manis je kita simpan dlam hati. baru sume happy2 ^^

Dia jugak slalu ingat dekat org lain. pegi mana2 ingat org. seorang tak tak lupa dekat kawan2 dia. yup.
dia ada hadiahkan bantal barneey kat aku. comel kot. kat bantal tu ade tulis,

" Uhibbukifillah "
- Fatim -

haha setiap hari tido bantal tu kat sblah. haa aku jage elok2 tau bantal tu. tak sia2 fatim bagi kaan :P
Fatim ade jugak bagi dompet purple. soo beautiful. sampai skrang still guna dompet tu ^^

I think im gonna buy something for her. yelah, dia slalu ingat kat kita. terharu ada kwn cmni :')

 Satu lagi sifat dia kaan, haaa die lah org yg paaling concern psal baju. baju ape nak pkai, colour ape, and sume sume sume laah . haha
Stiap kali ade event or nak lepak mana2, dia akan tanye,

" Esok nak pkai baju ape? , wrne ape? tdung adib pkai kaler ape? beg besar ke kecik?  "

haha comel je.
aku slalunya wktu hari nk lepak tu baru pkir nk pkai baju ape. so bila die tnye bnde tu, i usually answered, 

" tak tahu lagi lah >.< "

Haha sabar je lah fatim kann. msti fatim rse, adoyaai tnye si adib ni smpai esok pun xtahu jawapan.
sowwyy fatimm :p

oh yes, one more thing, bila teringat dia kan, msti aku trfkir psal ROSES. haha maybe sbb die PEMINAT SETIA ROSES kot.

and also, bila teringat die, trfkir psal makanan. huhu sbb die slalu bwk coklat, candies and keropoks everywhere. and slalu mintak mknn kat die :p

and satu lagi, DORAEMON ! hehe xD

Anyway, kawan dgn dia ni serious best. seronok sgt ! 

So, Fatimah, hear this..


You are like a SHINING STAR in the sky, but YOU shine the brightest between all of the stars.

I reaally love being your friend. I hope this ukhwah will last forever and Insya Allah, till JANNAH 

" Uhibbukifillah, ya ukhti "
Love youu, muaaahhh !

When I was a Kid

When i was a kid,
i used to have a cat called Jerry.
no, actually i have lots of cats.
Theres Tom, Jerry, Blue ice, and even Alexander Graham Bell.
But alex died.It got hit by a car.
That was driven by my brother.
Poor cat.

Okay so, about jerry.
The thing is, he always leaves his poop around the house.
or even on our mat.
And he also meow-ing for food when we were in the kitchen.
But when we're NOT in the kitchen.
of course he steals em.

We got pretty fed up on his behavior so we decided to get rid of him.
eh no, ' get rid of him ' sounds mean.
We decided to put him far far away from our house.
So we drop him at a market that sells fishes.
Hope that he will find some peace there.
That market was FAR FAR AWAY from our house. seriously ppl.
Then we go home. relieved. phew*

A week later, we found Jerry infront of our house.
Meow-ing for some more food.
Where's the FISHH?!


So, the last day of ELIT huh. hmm actually happy pun ade sbb dpt balik kan. haha tapi sedih pun ade sbb dh nk habis dh program ni. hmm bukan senang nk jumpa program yg seronok cmni. jarang tahu?

pagi tu mcm biase beb, THE SILAT BETAWI. haha
tapi kali ni silat dlam sungai. aha aha yup. pagi2 msuk sungai yg sangat sejuk dan menyegarkan . woohoo!

Skali LIBAS! menggeletar tangan hahaha. 


Tapi serius best. dapat rendam air sejuk pagi2 woot woot

okay so, lpstu ade pertandingan silat antara group. yelah dah tiap2 hari silat kan, tiba lah masa untuk buat pertandingan pulak. Group HANG TUAH yg sangat bersemangat angkat tangan, SAYAA! and volunteer pegi dpan untuk silat. tapi kitorg group second lah. group ape tah yg angkat tangan dlu nk pegi dpan. tak ingat dah. huhe 

lepas dh habis silat sume bla bla bla, ade permainan wrestling pulak. 
haha xde lah, actually permainan cm serangan perang something like that lah. dia kne rampas bendera pihak lawan. lelaki main dgn lelaki lah ofc. pompuan main ngan pompuan. 

Pompuan main lagi ganas dari lelaki u know? berguling guling kat padang tu. dh mcm beruk pun ade. ops no hard feelings :p

Group kitorg main ganas2 pun still in one piece okay. alhamdulillah xde yg cedera. mhm ye lah kitorg kan HANG TUAH. kuat dan mantap woohoo.

actually game ni mengajar kita yg, kita kne pertahankan maruah kita sebagai muslim. To be more precise, mempertahankan maruah AGAMA ISLAM itu sndri. Bndera itu ibarat agama kita. walau mcm mana pun, kita kne protect bndera tu. jgn smpai dirampas oleh pihak lawan.

takde pulak gmba kitorg tgh wrestling. hmm abg cameraman tu terkejut sngat kot tgk kitorg berguling guling.

petang tu pulak kitorg pack pack barang, untuk baliik

soo that was our last day of ELIT camp. video 3rd day takde.
but video keseluruhan akan datang kot. in the making :) 

Akhir kata, I reaallly hope to see these guys again one day. cuz they're awesome and the ampac team actually teaches me a valuable lesson and also gives great impact in my life.

" How you do ANYTHING, is how you do EVERYTHING "


Personally to me, 2nd day of the ELIT camp was THE BEST day of all. actually hari2 dekat camp tu best. tapi hari kedua ni best dia mmg tak terkata. klau korg tgk video kt bwh skali tu, korg akan tahu best die cne. yah.

wokeh, pagi2 tu, ofc solat subuh, tazkirah, then senaman pagi.

Pastu mcm biasa SILAT BETAWI !


Lepas dh habis semua tu, kitorg siap2 untuukk BERAKIT ! omoo dgar berakit je aku dh excited okay.
so kitorg gerak naik bas pegi tempat berakit tu sbb agak jauh la jugak.

Kitorg dgar taklimat, pstu tgk cara2 untuk psang rakit sbb lpstu kitorg pulak kne buat.
kitorg guna tiub besar and buluh untuk diikatkan bersama agar menjadi sebuah rakit. cewah


Lps dah ikat kukuh2 dan mantap, kitorg ade buat WATER CONFIDENCE. haa ni best tapi kitorg dpt buat kjap je. yelah kang lama2 kat sungai tu hanyut pulak. arus deras u know? senang2 je boleh hanyut nnti.
Takde pulak gmba aku tgh buat water confidence. hm lantaklah xkan cameraman nk ambek gmba sorg2 kan? yelah water confidence ni, die lpskan org satu2, pstu kne berenang sndri. haa mcm tu lah. mcm khadijah kt bwh ni. feewiit sedapnya lah die berenang smpai xingat dunia haha :p

okay, lps dh agak2 " confident " tu kan, kitorg pun mula lah berakit. tahu berapa jarak perjalanan kitorg? 10 KM tahu? dgan arus nya, dengan pokok buluh dan kayu berjuntai juntai. byk kali kitorg tersangkut kt kayu2 balak amnde tah dlam sungai tu. smpai kitorg punye tiub satu pecah. haha actually awal2 berakit lagi dh pecah. kitorg panik sgt wktu tu pstu terus tiup wisel kuat2. but well, sume buat dunno je haha. so kitorg move on je lah. haih.

tapi group lain lagi teruk, smpai dua tiga tiub pecah. haha salute ah kat group lain. cne boleh survive 10 km pun aku xtahu. Anyway, kitorg punya rakit bocor satu tiub, satu pendayung dh hanyut entah ke mana, ketua kitorg pun hanyut, tapi group kat blakang kitorg ambek dia. sokay la :p
Kitorg nk capai dia msuk balik dlam rakit, tapi sbb arus deras gila, tak kesampaian lah. 



Tengok tu tersangkut sangkut. haha maybe sbb tu kot byk group yg pecah tiub.

siap posing lps habis berakit. mhm masih survive dan semua dlam keadaan yg baik ! :)

Lepas dh habis melawan arus, membelah gelora, cehh, kitorg pun terus kpd aktiviti lain pulak,

kitorg kne bersajak kat depan ! haha semua group kne buat. tapi best ah dengan baju yg basah loncos nye, kitorg bersajak :p woohoo

haha pabila intan hannani bersajak. comel tak? penuh konsentrasi dan bersemangat ! boleh jadi penyajak bhaii :p

Group prompuan semua buat sajak, but group lelaki mostly buat pidato.
haha but overall mmg seronok walaupun bersajak and pidato, kitorg byk gelak2 sbb, LAWAK DOH tgk org bersajak hahaha apelagi TON :p


Okay so, aktiviti malam pulak, kitorg tgk video's psal merong mahawangsa and buat presentation.
Malam kedua ni lain dari malam yg pertama.
Mlam pertama kne dengar je coach ckp kat depan tu. tapii mlam kedua ni lain pulak, KITORG YG KNE BERCAKAP OKAY :D

kitorg buat presentation psal BAGAIMANA REMAJA BOLEH MEMBANGUNKAN ISLAM and kne bagi pengajaran berdasarkan video merong mahawangsa yg kitorg tengok.
best beb, mmg seronok kitorg malam tu. so much fun 


Takde pulak gmba group hang tuah buat presentation. haaaiihh amek lah tu gmba tok gajah. 

soo, thats our 2nd day of ELIT camp. byk aktiviti hari kedua ni. paling best. and also, sedih la jugak sebab esok nya nk kne balik dh kan. tsk tsk >..<"

ni video 2nd day kitorg. mantap bebb

Saturday 8 March 2014


Basically hari pertama, the main activity was JUNGLE TREKKING.
Kumpulan HANG TUAH , yg merupakan kumpulan saya, mhm, kitorg jalan dulu. leaad the wayy.

Thats my group btw, we wears YELLOW head bands. cool huh. yah i know

itu kami yg baru memulakan perjalanan msuk ke hutan. deng deng deng 
actually tu tgh cari checkpoint tuh. Kitorg msuk hutan bukan ade org yg lead, or ade org kt depan yg tunjuk jalan tahu? kitorg kne cari sndri. mhm mm ape? mhmm


haa tu kitorg dkat first checkpoint. kena silat bhaii haha. saya sedang menyorok di blakang tu. maklumlah malu kan. Silat kami diketuai oleh ketua kami, Husnaa~

Kitorg lama kot kat checkpoint first tu. silat berterabur. kan dh kne gelak ngan abg shukor.
markah silat pun ciput je kitorg dpt. weehoo

Okay straight to the second checkpoint,

Pikir punya pikir, kitorg ingat mmg betul2 kne bwk balik semut mati. lama perah otak nk carik jawapan die.

Tengok tu kitorg betul2 tgh carik semut mati tahu?
pstu kitorg bincang,

" Ambik je lah semut hidup, pstu kita bunuh dia "
" Tak boleh, kne semut yg mati "
" cne nk bwk semut tu wei? "
" Carik semut kt bwah pokok tu, ade banyak "
" Bukan laah, xkan kne betul2 bwk balik semut kot "

Pstu last kali, kitorg xbawak semut pun. aku mmg rse xlogik pun. xkan lah die suro bwk balik semut mati?
like seriously. pstu kitorg blah je. xbuat pape pun haha

Kami pun teruskan perjalanan ke checkpoint yg seterusnya dan seterunyaa until the endd :)


Tu kitorg ade jumpe perkampungan org asli u know? haha comel je diorg. so sporting and cheerful siap peace lagi kot. haha tapi sekeliling rumah diorg ade anjing. woof sana sini. takut den dok lama2.

Ade satu checkpoint tu siap kne silat dlam air wehh. mmg sedap rendam kaki woohh
memang sedapp 


soo tu lah kami jungle trekking. naik bukit, turun bukit. and klau nk tahu, bukit dia sangat lah curam.
tapi kitorg lek je. main slide sana sini hahah. ini semua poyo.

Okay, malam pulak sesi pengisian about Islam and everything by abg Badr , ade buat aktiviti silat sikit2 and lastly nasyid lagu tema camp !



Soo thats hari pertama kami di KEM ELIT. Ni ade video hari pertama yg sgt osem dibuat oleh coach camp. Tengok skrang jugak klau tak kne sepak. TENGOK CEPAT.



Okay so, recently i went to this one camp with three of my good friends, Intan, Nabila and Khadijah from Monday, 3 March till Wednesday, 5 March. And people, ITS THE MOST AWESOME CAMP IVE EVER JOINED.
No jokes.

For the record, i hate camps. no, seriously, ive joined a lot of camps and it usually ended up boring. and tiresome. lel
- no offense ppl -

The camp was actually under AMPAC. Its called KEM ELIT.
We were actually the first batch. so yey

Nmpk tak muka abg yg tgh pura2 silat kt atas tuh ^ . haa itulah abg Badrul Sani. The coach leader of the camp.

We went to the campsite by bus from bangi to Kuala Woh, Tapah. 3 hours journey.
But guess what, dlam bas tu xboleh tidur okay. Ade aktiviti dlam bas tu selama 3 JAM. non-stop.
aktiviti die langsung tak bosan. Slalunye klau kita naik bas, perjalanan lama pulak, msti kita nk tidur or atleast lelap mata kejap. tapi ni, tak rasa nk tidur pun. rasa nk dengaar je apa org kat dpan tu ckp.

Ada ditayangkan video, main games, sesi berkenalaan, cewaah
Dlam bas kitorg bergerak gerak. u know, not just sit down and watch and hear blabla
maybe thats why we dont even feel sleepy.

Upon reaching there, we go straight to the hall for the briefing by Abg Bad. We were divided by 7 groups, 3 groups of boys and 4 groups of girls.
 The girls group was named Hang Tuah, Tok Gajah, Tok Kenali andd Tok Janggut
As for the boys, Mat Kilau, Tun Perak and Dato' Bahaman.

Me and my three friends, all of us was at different groups.

Me - Hang Tuah
Intan - Tok Gajah. haha
Nabila - Tok Kenali
Khadijah - Tok Janggut

and im pretty sure i got the best group of all :p
Although the four of us got separated, well, we can handle it. we're good :) 

To be continued, My lappy bout to die. adios

p/s : my language is sooo 'rojak'. bleh lantaklah